Wednesday, 11 May 2016


My dwelling is plucked up and removed from me like a shepherd’s tent;
like a weaver I have rolled up my life;
he cuts me off from the loom;
from day to night you bring me to an end.                                               Isa. 38.12

God heard Hezekiah’s plea and granted him a further fifteen years of life (V5). Nevertheless, these words of Hezekiah, reportedly uttered after his recovery (V9), are significant.

We have no jurisdiction or control over the span of our earthly life. As the Scripture says, we may come to an end from day to night, during the course of an ordinary day of living.

This thought impresses me to seek God earnestly in each new day of life that is granted to me. As I reflect on the life that is past, I could readily identify some wasted times. But, no more! I want every day to count, and to count in His will and not mine. Indeed my prayer is that my will becomes totally infused with His will. May there be no discernible difference. I want to do what He would have me do, and I want it for every day remaining of my earthly life. Does this always happen in reality? Sadly, no! But I will not give up. I surrender my sinful nature to Him, seek His forgiveness, and ask for His ongoing direction and company.

Holy God,

How I desire to be holy as You are. But this is not yet so. I surrender myself to You. I confess my sinful nature and ask Your forgiveness of all my sins.

I give myself to You, to be equipped, released and led by You. I want to go Your way, to do Your will, and to please and delight You in each day. Lead me in Your ways; fit me for whatever purpose You desire of me; correct me when I stray, and forgive me when I act un-righteously.

Travel with me, please, on this journey through life. Enjoy me, and hold me close, in Jesus’ name I pray.              Amen.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip (Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

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