Monday, 23 May 2016

Eyes shut

They do not know, nor do they comprehend; for their eyes are shut, so that they cannot see, and their minds as well, so that they cannot understand.”         Isa. 44.18

Isaiah is talking of those who create idols and regard them as gods. They worship fabrications of stone and metal and pieces of wood.

This practice may not be so widespread today, but people still worship “other gods”. All sorts of materialistic and emotional attractions are sought after and embraced by people with an almost religious fervour.

But many eyes and minds are shut and closed off to the truth. Understanding does not come, and so a precious, indeed vital, relationship is denied.

I recently conducted the funeral of a “racing identity”. The church was packed, but it was also filled with a total lack of understanding. The life of the deceased was lauded, but I doubt that much thought was given to his after-life.

I am saddened that so many miss out on the good news. And that sadness is compounded by their lack of realisation of their loss.

Holy God,

I pray for the lost. I pray that eyes may be opened and ears unblocked to receive the message of Jesus and the promise of eternal life. I pray that hearts will be opened to respond in joyful acceptance.

I pray for all those people at the recent funeral. I ask that something of that service will stir hearts to question what might come when this present life ends. I pray that a remark or two that I made will cause people to think, question and maybe turn toward You in further search.

I ask that You equip and lead me to better present the message, and challenge people where they stand. Help me to reach out and actively demonstrate the love that so many people need. May I be a true servant of Your kingdom, and may You draw many to You, in Jesus’ name.                                           Amen.

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