“Why do you look for the
living among the dead? He is not here; he is risen!” Luke 24.5b,
What gloriously stirring words
these are! The last that the faithful saw might have been Joseph removing the
body to the tomb or, more likely, the dead Christ upon the cross. It would be
the most natural act for the women to want to anoint the body. And so, they
would have visited the tomb expecting to do this.
There, the most wonderful news
awaited them. Their beautiful friend was not dead but alive. And the risen
Christ is now truly their Saviour! I delight in the phrase “Why do you look for the living among
the dead?” How pertinent this question is, and how relevant to today! Jesus brings
new life. And He will be found among those who are willing to live their lives
with Him and in Him. His journey from death to life is indicative of what believers
experience. In our sin we are apart from God. The ways of the flesh kill the
spirit, and keep us from Him. But Christ brings new life. We need to look for
Him among those who are vibrant in Him. I pray that I might be one such. I open
myself to Him and invite Him to fill me with the measure of new life in Him.
Lord Jesus,
I rejoice that You are alive and most wonderfully so. I seek You out,
Lord. I cry out for You to fill me anew and lead me into a life of You in me
and me in You.
May each day bring a new measure of You into me. May I also meet with
others with whom to share this new life. These may be followers of You or they
may yet be ‘dead’ in the Spirit. Let me join with them and introduce You,
either initially or in greater measure.
I pray that Your Spirit would work in me to release
the powerful love that You have for me and that You have given me. Precious
Jesus, receive my love and release me in Your love. Amen.
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