Wednesday, 27 January 2016


Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.”                                                    Matt. 16.17

I believe Jesus gives a foundational truth in this statement about Peter. Man can tell about God, and even share individual and personal experiences of God. But only God can reveal Himself to anyone. I believe that true faith and belief come as a result of God’s own revelation. This accords with something else that Jesus spoke forth: “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him” (John 6.44).

The work of the cross was instigated by the Father. This ultimate sacrifice demonstrates His amazing love for all people. There is no discrimination in the cross. All are equally fitted to respond. Yet it seems that the Father chooses the time of revelation and conversion. And maybe not all who receive God’s revelation respond immediately to this invitation. I am glad that I did!

Furthermore, I seek ongoing revelation from God. There is much more, I’m sure, that God could reveal to me. I pray that He will. As He chooses to show me, and as I see more of Him and His ways, so our relationship grows and deepens.

I have received the revelation of Jesus as Son of God. But I seek further. I receive Him as my Saviour, my Lord, my Lover, Companion and Friend, Teacher and Confidant. He is all of these things. And I yearn for greater intimacy with Him. This will come as the Father reveals more and more to me!

Holy Father,

I thank You for the wonderful revelations You have given me so far. I receive them all, and I ask for more. My request comes from a longing of heart to be closer to You, to enjoy greater intimacy and depth of relationship.

I am hungry, so I turn to the source. You are my provision, in and of all things. Draw me to You, please. Feed me! Show me more of Yourself and of Your ways, and lead me surely in those ways, that I may enjoy You, and You me.

May I share this joy and be enabled to tell others, in realistic way, of Your wonderful love,             Amen.

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