“Yes, Lord,” she said, “but
even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” Matt. 15.27
The Gentile woman had come to
Jesus for healing for her daughter. Jesus’ response was that He had been sent
to the “lost sheep of Israel”. Therefore it was not right to give the
children’s bread to their dogs.
The woman’s reply is seen by
Jesus as a sign of great faith, and He answers her request. I’m intrigued by
the words and imagery that the woman uses. The masters are those who are
rightfully entitled to eat. Yet even their pet dogs, those considered not
worthy to receive for themselves, partake of the “crumbs” of food that fall
from the table.
The crumbs are the same
substance as the main meal, albeit a lesser portion. What the woman, therefore,
seems to be saying is: “I may not be
entitled to the full meal, but I can surely taste of the good food from the
droppings that fall from the table.”
Her faith won through and she
was “fed”. Her recognition of the crumbs was, indeed, for the real thing.
Whether we receive crumbs or a full loaf, it is the same bread. She was willing
to settle for crumbs, knowing the bread from which they came. She was rewarded
with the whole loaf.
Lord God,
I marvel at the woman who was willing to settle for mere crumbs from
You. She knew the source of the crumbs. I see today that the crumbs or the
whole loaf signify the same bread, and the least amount of that bread will
satisfy. The woman knew this, and was willing to accept it.
May I, then, be willing to accept whatever measure is given to me. You
know my needs far better than I do. I am not greedy, yet I know that the more I
receive, the more I would willingly share. You are my supply, my source. I look
to You, daily, for what I need for the day.
I thank You for Your supply, which I receive with gratitude. Amen.
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