Wednesday, 31 December 2014


But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.”                                                                                                                    Jude 17,18

We have been warned, and from the earliest times. The apostles spoke of the damaging work of scoffers. The Greek for the phrase, “they said” suggests that the apostles warned continuously or repeatedly. The threat, no doubt, was real enough to them to require constant reminding.

And so it is today. There are so very many who scoff, loud and long, at the ways of God and at His call and invitation to humanity to go His way. People are simply not interested. They choose, rather, to go their own way and to satisfy their own desires, which are often ungodly and may well be harmful to others as well as to themselves. Individuals don’t seem to worry about this. They care only for their own pleasure and gratification.

It appears to me that the warning may have a number of implications. First there is the threat of what ungodly behavior might do to those who follow it. Secondly, I have a concern lest any behavior of others might influence or contaminate the legitimate followers of Christ. As always, my recourse is to turn to Him, for He is the One to take the powerful action that may be required.

Mighty God,

I am deeply concerned at much that occurs in the world today. I grieve at the actions of the ungodly and the threat of damage to themselves and of polluting others.

Dear God, please help. Open alien hearts to see and receive the truth of Your love. Strengthen believers everywhere with the courage to reach out in love and show its transforming effect. Bring more and more people into Salvation, in Jesus’ name I ask.

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