Thursday, 4 December 2014


“When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be  like the angels in heaven.” Mark 12.25

Marriage between a man and a woman is an earthly institution. It’s as if God has given us this special relationship as something of a worldly comfort. In this world we will not know Him with the fullness in which we join Him in eternity. So he has given us marriage for the meantime.

But in heaven we shall know Him beyond the veil. There will be complete openness. We shall see Him and we shall also be seen, in new life and light. In heaven we will enter into marriage with the Lamb, the Son of God - as His bride.  Earthly marriages will cease, and be replaced by the marriage that is above all others, our unique joining with our God and Lord.

There are hints of this marriage that is to come in our journey through life. As we are open, we may experience glimpses of divine bliss. However, these are the merest of touches as our fallen state prevents anything more. As well, if God were to reveal too much, our humble human condition would simply be unable to receive it.

I am content to receive, in this life, what God chooses to reveal to me. I also look forward, with great excitement, to the life - and the marriage - to come.

Lord God, 

I feel as if You are wooing me at this time. I give myself to this. Wooing is a time to get to know your lover. It is also a time of preparation for the sweet union that is to come.

I sense that You know me quite well. I pray that You would lead me into a deeper knowing of You. I ask that You might draw me closer. I am being prepared for an eternity of the sweetest relationship with You. I see that this could be a deep activity. 

I give myself wholeheartedly to You. Have Your way in me and with me. May we, together, enjoy the present as we look to eternity. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip (Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

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