Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Heart and Mouth

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.                    Ps. 19.14

I see the strongest co-relation between the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart. My prayer is that I may never speak forth rashly – though there are times when I do this, and I confess and repent. My desire is that my speaking – all of it – would reflect the true condition of my heart.

I give myself to live with God each day. I know He’s with me, He’s for me, and He’s in me. I seek to live every moment in His holy presence. There are times when I instinctively know the reality of this. At other times I need to give myself a reminder.

I want to meditate all things in my heart in the presence of God, led by the power of His Holy Spirit in me. As I do this, may my words stem from the wellspring of holy truth and love inside me. Yes, there are times when I need to consciously practice this. There are other times when it occurs spontaneously. I praise God for all these times. He has taken hold of me and redeemed me from the clutches of sin. He is the steadfast rock upon which I surely stand.

As I seek to grow in holier meditation in my heart and more Godly speech from my lips, I look to Him for strength and enabling. I remind myself that I am His son and He is my caring and most patient Father.

Most Holy God,

May my living be pleasing in Your sight. I welcome You into the meditation of my heart and the words of my mouth. I seek more of the fullness of You in me. Come, Lord, fill me to overflowing – and more!                   Amen.

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