Wednesday, 31 December 2014


But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.”                                                                                                                    Jude 17,18

We have been warned, and from the earliest times. The apostles spoke of the damaging work of scoffers. The Greek for the phrase, “they said” suggests that the apostles warned continuously or repeatedly. The threat, no doubt, was real enough to them to require constant reminding.

And so it is today. There are so very many who scoff, loud and long, at the ways of God and at His call and invitation to humanity to go His way. People are simply not interested. They choose, rather, to go their own way and to satisfy their own desires, which are often ungodly and may well be harmful to others as well as to themselves. Individuals don’t seem to worry about this. They care only for their own pleasure and gratification.

It appears to me that the warning may have a number of implications. First there is the threat of what ungodly behavior might do to those who follow it. Secondly, I have a concern lest any behavior of others might influence or contaminate the legitimate followers of Christ. As always, my recourse is to turn to Him, for He is the One to take the powerful action that may be required.

Mighty God,

I am deeply concerned at much that occurs in the world today. I grieve at the actions of the ungodly and the threat of damage to themselves and of polluting others.

Dear God, please help. Open alien hearts to see and receive the truth of Your love. Strengthen believers everywhere with the courage to reach out in love and show its transforming effect. Bring more and more people into Salvation, in Jesus’ name I ask.

Sunday, 28 December 2014

No licence

For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a licence for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.           Jude 4

Jude was writing about a grave disobedience that was practiced in the early days of the Christian faith and, sadly, the same thinking persists today in some minds. This is the idea that grace gives us a licence to sin because God, in His mercy, will freely forgive all sin. I don’t think it works like this. I certainly see God as merciful, but He is also pure. He abhors impurity of any kind. Yet He is also just, and in His mercy He gives us opportunity to confess and repent of our sins. 

I believe that for me to truly confess and repent I need to feel remorse for my sinfulness. I cannot say “Sorry Lord” and blithely continue in my wrong doing. I realise I may well recommit the sin, for I am born into a fallen state. But this does not prevent me from trying to keep myself from what is wrong and displeasing to God.

Sadly, I’m not very successful in this. So I come to God in humility. I confess my wrongdoings and I give myself to the best endeavours to change. As always, I cannot go forward without His help.

I pray that He pardons my feebleness, that He receives my miserable acts of confession and repentance, and that His amazing grace will shine through, will forgive me and lead me on in His way.

Almighty God,

I confess to being the miserable sinner that I am. I repent and earnestly seek Your help that I may take the right road forward, and hold to it.

I ask Your forgiveness. I look for Your power to lead me and direct me in good ways. I want to please You. Help me do this I beg of You, in the precious name of Jesus.     Amen.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip (Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

Thursday, 25 December 2014

How much

“I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others.”                                                                                                                             Mark 12.43b

Jesus compared the poor widow with the others who made offerings at the temple treasury. The rich gave from their wealth. When they left the temple they were still rich. Had they really given anything of significance?

The widow put in the smallest amount. Indeed, it was hardly noticeable in monetary value. But it was all she had to live on. The widow left the temple with nothing. Or did she?

Of the two contrasting parties, the widow is the one who truly served God. I might imagine that God took her small contribution and used it for the most amazing and profitable kingdom work. I’d like to imagine that God blessed the widow with a steady provision for her wants during the rest of her life. But all this is imagination.

The reality, as the story reads, is that she was left with nothing tangible. But she had surrendered her all to God. If both parties were questioned on whether they had followed Jesus, the rich might have blustered, “Well, I gave and gave handsomely.”

The widow could honestly say, “I gave Him my all.” I believe she knew the true riches.

Lord God,

I praise You for the widow and I thank You for her example. I can’t say that I have followed her in surrendering all that I have to the “temple treasury”. But my heart is to follow Jesus. I offer what I have to You. I delight that You choose to use me in many varied ways. I give myself fully into Your service.

I look to You for every provision. I do not seek, as the rich folks, to maintain my own means. Rather, I trust You for the provision of all that I might need. You are my source. You are my provider. You are my means, my fulfillment and satisfaction. I look to You, and only to You.

I praise You and  thank You,. In Jesus’ name.           Amen.

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

My Soul

My soul will boast in the LORD;
let the afflicted hear and rejoice.                                                 
Psalm 34.2

What is my soul? I see soul as separate from spirit. My soul is, perhaps, the worldly essence of me. It is my thinking and my feeling, as distinct from those very clear inner impressions and experiences that I feel in my spirit.

I could say that a lot of my living generates and expresses from my soul. This leads me to see the first part of this verse as a call for me to boast out about my Lord in the daily aspects of my living. This becomes clearer to me with the passing of the years and the spiritual maturity I gain from my pursuit of God. More and more I am living with Him. He is with me at all times and I am realizing this in increasing measure, and living more consistently in His presence. It is therefore natural for me to boast in Him.

I should willingly share my boasting with the afflicted, for they surely need the healing, release and empowerment that comes from hearing and knowing Him. God is, absolutely, the most wonderful companion. Let me never hesitate to share Him, to acquaint others with what He has done in my life, and to encourage them to embrace Him in their own lives.

May my life be a generous boasting in the Lord.

Most Mighty God,

I thank You for your presence in my life. I ask for many opportunities to boast in You.

I pray for those who are afflicted. May they hear the wonderful message of Jesus and the testimonies of what You have done in so many lives. Lord, let the afflicted hear. May they be touched and may they rejoice in You. Great is our God.              Amen.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip (Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

Friday, 19 December 2014


I will extol the LORD at all times;
his praise will always be on my lips.                                          
Psalm 34.1

The psalmist has learned a deep truth. Whatever he experiences, or has experienced, he declares that he will extol the Lord at all times. With these words, I see him issue a challenge to every believer.

Can I extol my Lord and my God at all times? There are occasions when it is difficult to do so. Is praise for Him always on my lips? I must confess to forgetfulness, but this is not the sole reason. At times circumstances can overwhelm. Places become dark and foreboding. People – yes, the wonderful people who populate life – can sometimes irritate, annoy and even “persecute”. So, how can I turn to God in such times?

Well, I need to do so just because He is God. Nothing that befalls me is too big, too serious or too threatening for Him. I am reminded of Jesus’ words: “Come to me...and I will refresh you...and you will find rest for your souls.”

Even as I write these words, I feel the peace of Jesus envelop me. Truly, He is all I need. And so, yes, I will come to Him. He is there for me through thick and thin. He most certainly refreshes me, He reaches out to take my burden with the words, “Give it to me, let me relieve you of it.” I willingly hand it over. I come to Him; I journey alongside Him; I extol Him and I hold praise to Him fondly on my lips.

Most Precious Jesus,
I acknowledge You as Lord over all. Nothing is too much that You can’t lead me through. You journey alongside me, giving me strength, taking my burden. You cover me with Your peace and Your love.

I extol You, my sweet Lord. I release praise to You freely from my lips and the whole of my being. Hallelujah!                   Amen.