But the earth will be filled
with the knowledge of the glory of the
as the waters cover the sea. Hab. 2.14
Evil, iniquity and bloodshed feature
further in Habakkuk’s writing. But this time it is God who is speaking, and His
phrases are prefaced with the word ‘Alas’. God is evidently sounding a caution
against those who go their own way, who seek after their own selfish ends and
who don’t consider others and the trauma and heartbreak they cause in satisfying
their own egos.
Then God makes a great and somewhat
startling pronouncement with these words. He
is the all powerful one. He is the only force that is truly to be reckoned
with. God is supreme.
He will have His way. And what a way it is!
I cannot conceive of God’s glory filling the earth. Yet this is His promise.
And God is faithful. What He has promised, He will do. I am excited by this
declaration. Will I see it in my time? I believe I’m seeing signs of it
already. Whether or not I live to see the earth filled with God’s glory is immaterial. It is sufficient for me to
know that it is coming and to live in what is here right now.
rejoice in the promise of Your glory filling the earth. You have given me this
present knowledge and I thank You.
thank You also for what I see of Your glory already in this place. I ask for
me. I join with the chorus writer and sing out, ‘Show me Your glory.’
Lord, may I live daily in the glory that is You. I join with You in holy
communion. My prayer is that we may become one – I in You and You in me. Let
Your light shine brightly in me and through me. I’m Yours, all Yours.
this day with me, in the fullness of Your glory, in Jesus’ Name I ask.
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