Saturday, 14 December 2013


I am the LORD, and there is no other;                                        
apart from me there is no God.                                      
I will strengthen you,
though you have not acknowledged me.                       Isaiah 45.5

God’s sovereignty is clearly expressed in this verse. Yes, certainly He says so – and in direct terms. But what speaks as much to me is the demonstration of sovereignty that comes by His choice to strengthen me – even though I may not have acknowledged Him. This is power, ultimate power.

I do not take this lightly. I know God. That is, I know Him after my own fashion. I hunger and thirst to know Him more. I pray for this, and hope He will answer my prayer. But I know Him meanwhile and I eagerly draw strength from Him. I am learning, more and more, to let Him strengthen me. But I cannot allow myself to be exposed to the charge that I have not acknowledged Him. He has touched my heart and I give my heart unreservedly to Him. He is inside me and the whole of my insides acknowledge Him. But this is not enough. I must acknowledge Him outside as well as inside. I have a favoured expression in respect to witness. I say, “Do not tell me, show me! Show me your faith and commitment to Christ by the whole of your life and not simply by clever words that you shape with your mouth.”

My desire is that the whole of my life be a true, faithful and effective witness to my faith in Christ and His presence in me.

Lord God,

I am aware of Your presence in my life and Your mighty power strengthening me. I am aware of this and I thank You.

I acknowledge You from the depths of my being. You are the most important aspect of my living. I rejoice that You have found me and choose to empower me. I feel this. I thank You. I seek also to acknowledge You externally in the fullest measure. May the whole of my living be in real and wonderful witness to Jesus and His transforming power in my life. I am nothing without You. Enable me, please, to tell the world and to share with them the miracle, the wonder and glory of living with You.

I pray You will have Your way in me. Transform me. Make me who You want me to be. Empower me with those gifts and abilities You have singled out for me, and enable me, through Your Holy Spirit, to effect the work to which You call me.

I don’t just want to say You are my God, my Saviour and my Lord – I want to live it, to the end of my mortal days.                                                                                                   Amen.

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