Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already
been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus
took hold of me. Phil. 3.12
Paul is seeking to “gain Christ” (v.8), to be “found” in Him
having His righteousness (v.9), knowing Jesus – the power of His resurrection
and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death
(v.10) and thereby attaining the resurrection. Paul is not there yet, but he
presses on.
Furthermore, he has a specific goal to reach. He declares
that Christ Jesus took hold of him for a purpose. I believe this is so for
every Christian, there is a Jesus purpose for us. Like Paul, I seek to reach
the goal that Jesus has for me. And Jesus (God) provides the enabling. He
supplies the resources: For it is God who works in you to will and
to act according to his good purpose (Phil. 2.13).
I am assured that God has a purpose for me. I am also
encouraged by the reminder that He will work in me to achieve his
good purpose. But what might I do? Paul gives me clear direction –
press on! The Greek word here, διώκω (dioko), means to chase, to seek after, to
strive for, practice, follow or run after.
I believe God gave me a clear word some years ago to “stop
striving”. It seems to me that His word was not just for the particular season
I was in at the time, but rather it was a principle for me to apply in general.
As I now reflect on the meaning of διώκω, it is as if God is saying: “Yes,
I want you to seek after me and my purposes for you. I want you to chase me, to
run after me in hot pursuit. I want you to practice all that you pick up about
good Christian living. But I do not wish you to strive in the way that strains
your own abilities to breaking point. No, I want you to rest in me. Abide in
me. This means ‘live’ in me, comfortably and easily. Remember, it is I who will
work in you. I cannot do this if your individual striving blocks me. I cannot
work when you are so preoccupied and caught up in your own efforts that there
is no room for me. Simply relax, my child. Lean back and let me take the reins.
Let me remind you of the wonderful plans I have for you. Take hold of me so
that I can take hold of you and lead you, gently, into my purposes for you.”
Relaxing is so much nicer and more beneficial than striving.
Yet it is sometimes so much harder to do. The work ethic weighs hard and heavy.
Can I be so irresponsible as to “let go and let God”? Can I, indeed, be so
foolish as to not let go, and not allow God to have His way completely with me,
to do just what He wants, and to
lead me on in the goal He has set for my life? As I do this, I can be assured
that I am living in His will. Praise God!
So, am I relaxed and abiding (truly living at ease) in God?
I can honestly say, with Paul:
Not that I have already obtained all this...but I press on to take
Dear Lord, Heavenly
I do indeed press on
to take hold of whatever it is that You have called me for. I do not need to
know what it is. I simply live to abide in You and to believe that, as I do,
Your full and perfect will is played out in every day of my life. I press in to
You. I allow myself to let go and look to You. Let me fix my eyes upon You, for
I yearn to behold You in all things. I relax in You. This does not mean, O
great and holy One, that I do not respect You. I come to You with heartfelt
reverence, but my heart is also filled with love for You.
I set aside striving.
I seek to do nothing in my own strength, but rather look to You to be my
source, my enabling and my fulfilling. You are my teacher and mentor, my
provider and pilot, my Father, friend and lover. Yes, Lord, You are all things
to me.
We have this day, and
a lifetime, before us. I choose to spend these with You. Receive me now in
humbleness. Let me lay my head upon Your breast. Take me, and bring me, please,
to that place of completeness in You. I am nothing without You. I want to be everything I am in You.
You are my source and
destination. You are my journey at all points in between. Let us travel
together. Lead me, my Lord, I’m yours.
Be praised, glorified
and honoured. Receive me, and my prayers, in Jesus’ Name.
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