Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Unfailing love

In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling.                Exodus 15.13

These words are part of the song of celebration that Moses and the Israelites sang to the Lord after He had delivered them from the Egyptians. But they can apply equally today. These words may be said or sung by anyone who truly believes in the Lord and His saving power.

God’s love is never failing. The believer who trusts God and humbly seeks to follow the ways of the Lord will experience the unfailing love that He has for all who turn to Him. His love will lead, and He will guide in His strength. There is a whole area of revelation contained in this simple phrase. The strength of the Lord is possibly beyond the imagination of the finite human mind. This is the strength that brought the universe into being. This is the strength that created humanity. This is the strength that overcame sin and death. This is the strength with which God loves and guides His children.

And in this strength He guides us (those who are willing) to His holy dwelling. Several interpretations are advanced for “holy dwelling”. Maybe, for the Israelites, it was the house of worship at Siloh; maybe, ultimately, the temple on Mount Zion. Or maybe it was the Promised Land.

For me, these words speak clearly in the present of the place where I can live and abide with the most holy God. He guides me to this place, yet He also gives me the freedom to choose whether I will follow His guiding. He will not force this upon me, but leaves the decision to me. And if I decide to follow there is absolutely no guarantee that the going will be smooth or the journey trouble free.

I understand something of this, for I see the way forward with Him as a process of sanctification. As He leads me forward so He will work in me to transform me more into His original creation. I see this, and I embrace it. I am willing to face the rigours of transformation from sin to sanctification knowing that He is there to strengthen and guide me.

My deepest desire is to live in holy dwelling with Him, to know His presence as a constant, to be ever mindful of his love, companionship, guidance and correction. For I will not get everything right! Then, I must remember humility, confession and repentance – and not allow the enemy to gain a foothold through my wrongdoing or carelessness.

Every acquisition costs. I will risk paying the price for the joy of living in wonderful, holy communion with my maker.

Lord God,

I praise You as Moses and the Israelites praised You. I rejoice that You have rescued me and delivered me out of “Egypt”.

I commit to Your leading. My desire is to live in holy dwelling with you. I understand there could be testings and hardships in the process of transformation from the man of the flesh into the child of God. With You on my side I look forward. I know I cannot do this alone, but I claim Your promise that all things are possible with You.

Lead me, heavenly Father. You are my everything. As surely as the Israelites in the desert received manna from You to sustain them through each day, so I cry out to You now for Your presence to accompany me through this day. I need You, Lord. I am nothing without You. I want You. I enjoy you so much. I hope, in true humility, that You enjoy me.

Go with me, Lord. I desire to go nowhere without You. May we go now together, in precious partnership. I ask this in Jesus’ Name.                                                                     Amen.

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