Thursday, 28 March 2013

Supernatural power

No one could see anyone else or leave his place for three days. Yet all the Israelites had light in the places where they lived.               Exodus 10.23

The plague of darkness is the ninth of the plagues that God brought upon the Egyptians in the time of arranging the departure (exodus) of the Israelites from Egypt.

We might assume that Pharaoh was particularly ignorant or pig-headed, yet the truth – of which we are constantly reminded in the Scriptures – is that God had hardened his heart. Consequently, however willing Pharaoh might have been in his own person, his feelings and reactions were over-ridden by God moving supernaturally in his life. The supernatural power of God moved also, in each one of the plagues, to protect His chosen people from calamity.

In this present instance total darkness covered the land of Egypt for three days (a most significant time!). The Egyptians could see absolutely nothing for the whole of the time that God ordained. By deduction, therefore, we can conclude that no one sees anything unless it is allowed by God. Wow! Whilst the Egyptians lived for this time in utter darkness, this was not the case for the Israelites who had light in the places where they lived. God allowed this.

As I read these words the parallel for today stood out so clearly for me. Those who belong to the Lord, the ones who have surrendered to Him, live in the light. They are enlightened in the whole of their living, conditioned of course by the extent to which they will allow His light to guide them. The others, just like the Egyptians, will live in darkness. Perhaps the most striking difference between “the others” of today and the Egyptians of Moses’ day is that the Egyptians knew they were in the darkness. The spiritual dark of today is much more subtle but every bit as dangerous and damaging.

Lord God,

May the light of Your Spirit shine strong and bright in the darkness that enshrouds much of this earth. I thank You that the light is on for me. My personal prayer is for more light – brighter and stronger. May Your light shine in me and my light shine in the world so that all may know that I am Yours.

I pray for others in whom Your light shines. Lord, may it shine more and more with each passing day. Strengthen Your saints and lead them into opportunities where they can victoriously minister Your love and saving grace.

I pray also for those who don’t yet see Your light. Hear my cry and receive my prayer for them. Lord, soften hearts that have been hardened against You. I know it is Your heart to save the lost. I ask You to extend Your grace and draw these people into the light.       Amen.

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