Sunday, 10 March 2013

Now go

The LORD said to him, “Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”                          Exodus 4.11,12

Moses is still complaining of how unsuitable he is for the task that God has called him to. As I write these words, I am suddenly struck by the impertinence that Moses exhibits in challenging God so. – Pray God that I might not do this!

Moses argues that he does not possess eloquence of speech. God counters by reminding him that He gave him all of his senses and He will equip and guide him in what he is to do. What a wonderful, wonderful encouragement this is. I receive these powerful words for myself. I see the revelation in this of God reminding me that everything I have is God given, and God will lead me in all that He would have me do. I take this word very much for me, for today.

Moses, however, was not satisfied. He continued to object (v13ff), and God got angry such that He commissioned Aaron to work with Moses. I would not presume to set myself above Moses, but I do not wish to make God angry. There are likely times that I do, and I confess and repent of these. My deepest desire is to do His will. I pray that I am open, at all times, to hear Him and to obey.

Again I read the words “Now go.” God had clearly commissioned Moses, but what of me? I have taken particular note that on two successive days recently the word of the Lord that I have received and meditated upon has said, “Now go.” Is this the start of further development in my journey with God? Will I get closer to Him? Will He open up further opportunities for me and lead me into encounters with His Spirit? Will He expand and increase my faith to amazing proportions? Oh, that the answer to all these questions would be, “Yes, of course. Yes, indeed. Yes, yes, YES, and Amen.”

Lord God,

I am nothing without You. I love You and I desire to please You in all that I do. Yet I do not always succeed. I know this, and I am sorry. I ask You to forgive me. Forgive me, please, and help me to move forward in You. I thank You for the words spoken to Moses which I receive today for myself. I am reminded that all I am and all that I have comes from You. Furthermore, you can do anything whatsoever in me, with me, and through me.

Lord, I feel so willing. Two deep desires in my heart are to draw closer to You, to live in deep and sweet intimacy and harmony with you, and also to bring many others into relationship with You for themselves. I thank You for the opportunities You give me. I am hungry for more. I surrender this to You. I wait upon You. In your time I am ready to receive, and to go. Lead me, glorious Lord and precious Saviour. Let your light shine brightly through me, in Jesus’ Name I pray.                                                                                                         Amen.

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