Thursday, 17 May 2012

Spiritual stones

As you come to him, the living Stone – rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him – you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.     1 Peter 2.4,5

Jesus is the Living Stone. He is perfect and precious to God. But the miracle is that we are enabled to come to Him and to be made like Him. The Living Stone receives us and forms us into living stones. I believe we must be fully open to Him, allowing Him to shape us. In the analogy of stonework this may involve chipping away which, because we are not inanimate, could cause a measure of pain and distress. Yet, as we allow Him, and as He works in us, He builds us into a spiritual house. He grows us into a holy priesthood.

Lord God,

I see in these verses a very real invitation to become more like Jesus.

I do come, my Saviour, to You. I see You as the Living Stone, not only chosen by God but also most precious to Him. And I, also, am chosen. He has chosen me and I am precious to Him. And here, He gives me the opportunity to grow more like Jesus.

I offer myself, Lord. I want to become a living stone, as Jesus is the Living Stone. I pray to grow more like Him every day. This might involve me in painful, human “stone masonry”. I submit, Lord, maybe not entirely willingly, but I choose. I choose to submit to You for I want to draw closer to You. I so want to become part of Your royal priesthood. I want to offer spiritual sacrifices, through Jesus Christ, that are fully acceptable to You.

Lord, I come to You. With open heart and eager expectation I offer myself to become a living stone. Take me and shape me, in Jesus, name I ask.                                              Amen.

1 comment:

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