Monday, 14 May 2012

Living for...?

As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God.                              1 Peter 4.2

Peter says that the one who has suffered in his body is done with sin and, consequently, lives the rest of his earthly life for the will of God and not for evil human desires.

I have suffered, but I doubt if it has been to the extent that Peter envisages. And I feel quite sure that sin has not yet lost its power to tempt and sideline me. But, despite this, I know that my desire is to live the rest of my life for the will of God. What does this mean?

For me, it means to walk daily in full surrender to Him. There are things I might want to do, and I will know when they are of Him. He has told me that He will open doors for me. I believe this and I am willing to proceed through any door that He might open. But I’m also aware that I must be ever alert to the temptation that seeks to mislead me. Not only must I be alert to this, I need also the courage to turn to Him when I am so confronted.

Lord God,

I don’t think that the amount of suffering I have experienced has removed sin from my life. However, I come before You in penitence and faith. I confess and repent of my sin and ask Your forgiveness. In faith I ask You to lead me forward to live the rest of my life for the will of God.

I believe that You will open doors to me. I give You all my impatience and restlessness. I ask You to lead me forward most clearly in Your will. My deep desire, confessed many times, is to know You more, to experience the deep intimacy of relationship with You and to minister out of that relationship.

I ask You to help me in the battle with sin. May your Spirit protect, lead and guide me.

Lord God, I want to know You and serve You. This is my prayer. Receive it, please, in Jesus’ name.                                                                                                                       Amen.             

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