Saturday, 5 May 2012

The Glory

Moses could not enter the Tent of Meeting because the cloud had settled upon it, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.                         Exod. 40.35

The glory of the Lord is both awesome and wonderful. I can imagine the cloud of glory filling the tabernacle such that people would stand in wonder, and maybe fear, at what they beheld. They might also be moved with joy at the immanent presence of the God of Israel. To know that the great God was so close to them gave clear indication of the love that He had for them. I like to believe that this love emanated out from the tabernacle touching all who were willing to expose themselves to it.

I think I too regard God’s glory with a mixture of fear and delight. This is the manifestation of the great and all-mighty God. It is also the presence of my loving, heavenly Father. Yet there is no conflict for me in these varied images. They blend together to present the wonder of my wonderful maker.

O, that I might see the glory of God!

Lord God,

I rejoice in the spread of Your being. You are indeed great and mighty – awesome in power. You are also loving, kind and gentle. Yet I see Your presence always in glory, such as would take my breath away and dazzle me with its brightness.

I would know You more, O Holy One. I pray for greater revelation and a deeper connection with You. May I see more of Your might and power? May I experience even more of Your love, grace and mercy? Let me know your glory to the extent that will not harm me. I want to know You more. Come to me, Lord, in Jesus’ name I ask.                              Amen.

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