Wednesday, 10 July 2019


“Even to your old age and grey hairs 
I am he, I am he who will sustain you. 
I made you and I will carry you; 
I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”                                Isa.46.4

What wonderful affirmation is contained in these words. I need not fear nor concern myself with doubt about care, not in my old age nor at any other time.

There is a promise in these words, and it is a serious and most comforting promise. God will carry me, and He will sustain me. He will rescue me should I ever need rescuing. (I suggest this might be a fairly regular event.)

I claim this promise of my Lord and my God. I know the power, the peace and the love that He extend to me. I know His faithfulness and the sure knowledge that He will fulfil every promise that He makes to me. I am extremely thankful for my Lord and God.

I don’t see that I have yet reached old age (though many might contest this.) Even so, He will sustain me. The various aspects of “sustain” include: Keeping me in existence and maintaining me; nourishing me, providing for me, and supplying me with necessities. One I particularly like is: supporting me from below (God is not below, but His support is) and keeping me from falling or sinking. He aids me to bear up under any load, and He allows me to withstand whatever might seek to assail me. In short, God will simply look after me in any and every situation. He is my compass and my anchor. He is my strength and power, my resilience and resistance.

Life may have its challenges and tribulations, even severe trials. He may not spare me, though I know He could. I think, rather, He will journey with me through the problem to resolution. How blessed I am.

Lord, Mighty and Loving God,
I thank You for all that this verse tells me and promises me. I claim everything You have said here. I thank You profusely. I ask You to journey with me such that I know You are there. I thank You. I love You.     Amen

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