Friday, 26 July 2019


They will neither hunger nor thirst,
nor will the desert heat or the sun beat upon them. 
He who has compassion on them will guide them 
and lead them besides springs of water.                        Isa.49.10

The first two lines of this verse speak to me of God’s provision and His protection. He will provide all I need! I think I’ve experienced a large measure of this. He will protect me from all ails and dangers. However, He will not prevent testings and trials coming upon me, but He will be there for me. He will lead me and guide me. and He will accompany me through all that assails.

He is compassionate. He enters into my life and all that befalls. He understands everything that occurs in my living. He guides me through. Again, He is there for me, He is with me.

He will lead me beside springs of water. This talks to me of refreshment, a sweet renewing and re-invigorating. I also see the presence and working of the Holy Spirit, for He will refresh me; He will remind me of the Lord Jesus, and He assures me of the Father’s love and leading.

I see something of the totality of God in this verse. He will look after me like nothing or no-one else will. I can depend on Him. I can know that He is there – even in the darkest times.

He loves me. how wonderful this is. His love is truly overwhelming, yet it is there for me in abundance. I am His child. He will nurture me and grow me. He is the very best Father I could hope for. He is wonderful. I am so blessed.

Dear Father,
I am mindful of all that You do for me. I thank You. I pray that I will never take Your love and concern for granted. Let me live each day in the knowledge that You are with me. May I feel Your presence with me. I look for wonderful times and adventures in and with You. I thank You.              Amen.

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