Beyond all question, the mystery of God is great:
he appeared in a body,
Was vindicated by the Spirit,
was seen by angels,
was preached among the nations,
was believed on in the world,
was taken up in glory. 1 Tim. 3.16
What is the mystery of godliness? What is it that produces piety in people? The mystery, the secret, is Jesus. His whole life is the source of genuine piety. All He did encapsulates godliness. He was truly God with us, God in human form.
His conception came by the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit was the force that motivated, guided and enabled Him throughout the course of His earthly life.
I want to know piety. What is piety? To me, it is a life of godliness. I want to live a life of godliness. I want to become more and more Christ-like in my living. The Holy Spirit is there to help me. Jesus Himself promised the Spirit, and the Spirit has come.
Lord God,
I know of Jesus, the mystery of godliness. And, in small measure, I can say that I know Him. But I want to know Him more. I want to draw closer to Him in personal relationship. I want to exhibit more of Him in my life. This is my prayer.
I acknowledge Your Holy Spirit. I believe I have been touched and filled by Your Holy Spirit. I thank You for this. I pray that Your Holy Spirit will continue to touch me, to fill me and lead me in the fullness of Christ.
I ask for more. More of You in me. More of me doing what You want me to do, whatever that might be. Your mysteries are many and wonderful. But the greatest mystery is the love You poured forth in Jesus. Let me know this love, Lord. Let me receive it and share it, in Jesus’ name I ask. Amen.
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