Tuesday, 4 June 2019


Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.             Col. 4.6

Where would I be without the grace of God? All the wonderful work of God emanates from His love expressed through grace. Jesus exhorts me to follow Him. Grace, therefore, is a quality that I need in my life.

My conversation conveys so much about me – who I am and how I see, care for, and respond to others. Consistency is important for me. If I am to extend grace to others I need to be consistent in it. I can affect and influence others by what I say to them. Grace is ever important in my conversation.

Together with grace, my talk needs to be seasoned with salt. Salt has two principal qualities. It is a preservative and it also adds taste. As I consider my conversation seasoned, as it were, with salt, I would see it to be wholesome in content and encouraging and edifying in effect.

Words can destroy or words can create. I pray that my conversation may always be full of grace and may ever be seasoned with salt, feeding those I dialogue with in the essence of Christ, demonstrating His love and His grace in the fullest measure I can.

Lord God,
I pray and ask for a large measure of Your grace to operate in and through me. May I speak with wisdom, words of encouragement and edification to others. May I do this whilst founded, well and truly, in the grace and knowledge that You have poured into my life. My prayer is that this may always be the case. I pray for good measure of Godly salt in my words and in my thoughts.
I pray also that I may receive much from You, some for myself and some to be passed on.
May Your people, the salt of the earth, be led by You in grace-filled conversations with seekers and non-believers, bringing to them a clear message of Christ in whose name I ask all these things.                 Amen.

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