Let my teaching fall like rain
and my words descend like dew,
like showers on new grass,
like abundant rain on tender plants. Deut. 32.2
Moses is speaking. He has called together the whole assembly of Israel. As he begins his address to them, he starts with a prayer that his teaching might be blessed.
He prays that his teaching will have the effect that water brings to growing plants. It feeds them, it nourishes them, it nurtures them. Likewise, Moses prays that his teaching will feed and nourish and nurture the Israelites.
What will his teaching be?
“I will proclaim the name of the LORD.
Oh, praise the greatness of our God!
He is the Rock, his works are perfect,
and all his ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong,
upright and just is he.” (vv3,4)
Moses’ teaching on God’s goodness contrasts greatly and dramatically with the behaviour of the Israelites. This “Song of Moses” shows the marked difference between God’s faithfulness and the gross unfaithfulness of the Israelites.
The way of the world today is much like the way of the Israelites. Each does his/her own thing and God is rejected, set-aside, ignored.
Jeshurun grew fat and kicked;
filled with food, he became heavy and sleek.
He abandoned the God who made him
and rejected the Rock his Saviour. (v15)
Too many of today’s population are like Jeshurun. O that I might speak to people as Moses spoke to the Israelites. And I think the prayer that Moses voiced would be the one I would echo, for I know that my words would not have the right effect unless they were presented, and received, in the appropriate way. This is where I identify the powerful allegory of rain. I pray that my words would fall on the ears of the hearers as the gentlest of rain falls on the thirsty ground and plants. A thunderstorm does not achieve the required result, but gentle, soaking rain feeds the ground, nourishes the plants, and yields a healthy harvest. This would be my earnest desire – to speak of the Lord and bring people into His presence to experience His amazing love, to connect with Him and commune with Him in the deepest, on-going relationship.
Lord God,
Right now, my heart is on my sleeve. I want to touch people with You. I want to reach them for You. My desire is to share You. The love that I have and experience in You I want to spread.
O Lord, this world is so in need of You. I want to be used by You. Please hear my prayer. Please give heed to my request. Please use me in faithful service to You. Amen.
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