Friday, 23 November 2018


He decreed statutes for Jacob 
and established the law in Israel, 
which he commanded our forefathers 
to teach their children, 
so the next generation would know them, 
even the children yet to be born, 
and they in turn would tell their children.           Psalm 78.5,6

Passing the message to our children’s children brings my grandsons to the fore in my mind. I most strongly desire that they will know, and walk with God. 

I feel limited, I feel limited in opportunities to share with them, and also limited in my own ability to share. Even so, my God is able to do all things. He can equip me as is necessary. He can bring opportunities to light. He can make a way.

Lord God,
I thank You for my grandsons. I release and commit them to You with my prayer that they will grow up, and grow strong, in You.
I pray that You will open ways for them to learn of You. If there should be opportunities for me to share with them, I ask You to give me all that I need to fulfil the task.
I commit their home to You. I ask You to infuse that home and that family with Your presence. Please minister to each member of the family with Your grace and Your love.
I rejoice in my biological and my spiritual families. I marvel in Your headship. My Dear Father, lead us forward further into Your family, in Jesus’ name I ask.               Amen.                                                                                

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