Sunday, 10 June 2018


let us draw near to God … having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience.                                                                                                       Heb. 10.22

Our hearts are sprinkled by the blood of Christ. His blood cleanses our hearts and, through our hearts, our whole being.

Verse 19 has already reminded us that we have boldness, through the blood, to enter the Most Holy Place. This is a place of sweet purity, of God’s righteousness. Christ’s blood cleanses me to enter fully into God’s presence.

Chapter nine tells us of the twofold effect of the sprinkling of Christ’s blood. Firstly, (v12) having obtained eternal redemption, Jesus entered the Most Holy Place by His own blood. Furthermore, His blood cleanses me (v14) from acts that lead to death, so that we (I) may serve the living God!

Some Christians accept the redeeming death of Christ at Calvary but know little of His heavenly life, or near access to God, or service for others. Then there are others, called to be priests, to live in the service of God and their fellow men. They know more of the power of the blood, setting them apart for service, yet they still live outside the veil.

Then there are those who know and understand what Christ’s entering with His blood implies and procures. These experience the application of the blood in such power by the Holy Spirit that it brings them to the fullness of life in the inner sanctuary, and the full and abiding joy of God’s presence.

Lord God,
I seek a greater revelation of the blood of Jesus, of what it has done in heaven, of what it can do in my heart and the power that it can release in me. I ask You for this revelation. I feel that I have received it in my mind. I seek it in my heart and in my spirit. I ask You, by Your Holy Spirit to lead me into the full awareness of the blood of Jesus, and into the power that it brings into my life.
I seek the fullness of life that the blood gives. I ask for an outward sprinkling, and in inward infilling. Let me drink of the blood, and be cleansed, released and empowered.
I want to draw near to You with a true heart, a heart fully sprinkled. I place my inmost being entirely and unceasingly under the heavenly power of the blood. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord.                                                                                                                                  Amen.

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