Saturday, 16 June 2018


For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.                                                                                         Heb. 10.36

There are many temptations that seek to come against the Christian and lead him away from the promise. The world is in constant conflict with the work of salvation and sanctification in the Christian. And the world’s way is at hand! It is tangible and visible. It is beguiling and enticing. It is natural, easy and unceasing. And the Christian can so readily fall.

Yet the Christian has taste of the other, an infinitely more worthy way. This is the way of eternal life. This way will satisfy forever. But this way is not as obvious as the worldly way. This is where we need faith. This is where we need patience. In our faith, we exercise boldness! 

We have already been exhorted to hold fast to our boldness for Christ’s faithfulness (3.6). We are encouraged to draw near with boldness to the throne of grace (4.16), and we are assured of boldness to enter into the Holiest through the blood of Jesus (10.19). 

All of these things we know yet, somehow, they do not stand up overwhelmingly against the enticements of the world. This is when we need faith. We need faith to enable us to live in the future. We need faith to enable us to live, right now, in the power of eternity. We need faith to enable us to live in the power of Him who is Eternity.

The understanding of my heart and my mind is quite clear today. I am in need of endurance, of faith and of patience to live the life that I want to live, a life committed to doing Your will, a life devoted to doing Your will.
I believe I must stand in boldness, and I do. I stand in the boldness that my Lord Jesus has given me. I stand in the boldness of His faithfulness. I draw near with boldness to the throne of grace. I enter with boldnessinto the Holiest place, the presence of Almighty God.
My desire is to live in the Holiest place. I have faith for this, yet I know I need more faith. I need faith to know I can be strong against every temptation. I need faith to hold on to the assurance of my salvation. And I seek faith to believe that signs and wonders and miracles will manifest in my ministry through the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
With boldness I ask for patience, and all the enabling that patience requires. Let me resist and overcome. Let me wait, expectantly, upon the good things of the Lord and upon the promise. Let me live, daily, in the fullness of the will of God.
I love you, Great One, and I want to serve You with all of my being. Help me do so, in Jesus’ name I ask.              Amen. 

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