Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Standing firm

Therefore, my brothers, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, that is how you should stand firm in the Lord, dear friends.                                                       Phil. 4.1

The genuineness of Christian love, and knowledge and hope for the future allows the believers to encourage one another in present trials.

There is ever a need to stand firm, for the storms of life rage from time to time. The believer needs to know the rock that is there and to stand firm upon that rock.

Paul has a great love for fellow believers. He calls the Philippians “brothers”. They are kinspeople; they are family to him. He loves them and longs for them. I see him cry out for them and for their needs in the longing that he has for them. They are his joy and crown. This is a most wonderful declaration. To see other people in a place of such value in a person’s life is both a reflection and a reminder of how we each stand in Christ.

In a single word, Paul is expressing love for those he presently writes to. This reminds me of the love God has for me. Yet God’s love is more than Paul’s love. I can only imagine the effect that Paul’s love would have had on the Philippians. I can embrace God’s love for me and live in the power of its effect. In God I am whole, I am strong, I am in company – I am not alone, for He is with me. He will guide me and make every provision that I need. Here I see a true “standing firm” in the Lord.

I want to stand firm in the turmoil of this present world. Paul reminds me that the way to do this, the only way, is in You.
I come to You, Lord. I seek Your strength, Your direction for me and Your accompanying of me every step of the way. Hear my plea.               Amen.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip
(Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

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