For, as
I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as
enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their
stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things.
Phil. 3.18,19
We are offered
a clear choice between the things of heaven and earthly things. Paul here
touches on the things of the earth and, as I observe society today, I see much
of what he is talking about.
In some
quarters resistance and opposition to the cross of Christ are extreme. Some people
are so vitriolic and belligerent that I wonder exactly what has been their
experience that sets them on so negative and antagonistic an approach. There
seems to be much behaviour that leads ultimately to destruction. The opposite
is derided, ridiculed and labelled as goody-goody, party-pooping and
spoil-sport approaches.
The believer may
struggle from time to time with earthly trials. I have this experience myself,
and I’m sometimes torn because the line between what is right and what is not
can often be very thin, and quite feint. But if I fix my eyes on Him I will see
the way forward. Each day I need to make my decision to follow Christ. I must
lay down my life daily. This is a conscious action. As I start the day in this
way, I fit myself to go forward and, as I progress through the day, I keep my
eyes fixed on Him.
Lord God,
I lay my life before You today. I take up the cross
that I am called to bear in Christ. I fix my eyes on Jesus, the author and
perfecter of my faith. I look to You to lead me through. I place my trust in You. Amen.
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