King Hiram
of Tyre sent messengers to David, along with cedar logs, and masons and
carpenters to build a house for him. David then perceived that the LORD had
established him as king over Israel, and that his kingdom was highly exalted
for the sake of his people Israel. 1 Chron. 14.1,2
The actions of
Hiram of Tyre indicate an international acknowledgement and acceptance of David
as King of Israel. He himself sees God’s affirmation of him.
Nothing is
impossible to God. I have no difficulty in seeing God behind the scenes working
on, and with, Hiram. Indeed, there are other examples in the Bible story of God
working with worldly forces to bring about His plans (e.g. Nebuchadnezzar,
If I apply
this thinking to the world situation today, I could be tempted to ask “Where is
God in this?”, “Why doesn’t He act?”, “Why does He allow the various injustices
that play out on the world stage, especially the persecution of those who
faithfully follow Him?”, “Why, even in the most stable of countries, does He
tolerate damaging and destructive behaviour?”
I sense this
is where I need to exercise faith, and believe that God may not be inactive,
but realise also that His ways are not my ways. I will trust God but I will
also keep myself open to Him and alert to His leading in my life. All of
history is known to this omniscient Being. He holds the past, the present and
the future.
God led David
diligently and faithfully. He is there for the world today. He is there for me.
I will go with Him.
Lord God,
I pray for the world today, and for my place in it. As
You led David and made the way for him so, please, lead us, and me, in Your
ways. I give myself to Your plan and pray for wisdom and constant alertness to
Your ways for me. I ask for courage to be obedient in all things. Amen.