Thursday, 11 August 2016

Father and son

“The Father loves the Son and shows him all that he himself is doing; and he will show him greater works than these, so that you will be astonished.”                   John 5.20

Jesus healed the sick man at the pool of Bethesda. But He had done so on a Sabbath, thereby incurring the wrath of the Jews. They started persecuting Him. In response, Jesus spoke of His intimate relationship with the Father. He and the Father are as one. Whatever the Father does, the Son does likewise.

Whilst the law banned any activity that could possibly be seen, by the religious authorities that is, as work on the Sabbath, people still were born and people died on this day. This was God’s work. Similarly, as the Son is so one with the Father, the Son also is able to give life and healing on the Sabbath.

I note from this verse that the Father shows the Son all that He is doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son sees. Furthermore, the Son is enabled to do what the Father does.

I do not for a moment seek to present myself as equal to Jesus. No, indeed not! But I do take hold of my status, through Him, with the Father. Jesus has restored me to the relationship with the Father that I was created for. I have heard, in intimate moments, the Father tell me that He loves me just as He loves Jesus. This takes my breath away, yet there is no doubt in me that this is true.

I also have Jesus’ assurance from His own words: “Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14.12)

No, I am not Jesus, but He has placed me in a favoured position. By His own words I am ordained to do works like He did. As I follow Him, my desire is that the Father will show me all that He Himself is doing, and will lead me into all manner of works that give life, and give it abundantly.

Most Holy God,

I come humbly before You. I do not presume, but I take hold of the words of my Saviour and Lord that I would do the works that He does and, indeed, greater works.

I pray, and earnestly ask, that You would show me all that You are doing. May I see You in the lives of those I meet? May I understand where they are at and what Your will and wish is for them? And may I be led by You to act in their lives as Jesus would if He were physically present on earth today?

Lord Jesus, I have undertaken to follow You. I give my life to this. I claim Your word to me that I will do the works that You do. You have promised, and I claim the promise. I want to be Your hands and feet in the world today.

I seek a deeper, and deepening, intimacy with You, with Father, Son and Spirit. Dear Holy Trinity, draw me close, reveal to me some of the secrets and mysteries of heaven. May I see people as You see them, and may I minister to them as You would.

I ask these things with a believing heart for I know that nothing, truly nothing is impossible for You.                                  Amen.

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