When Jesus saw him lying
there and knew that he had been there for a long time, he said to him, “Do you
want to be made well?” John
The man had suffered for
thirty-eight years. We’re not told how long he had attended the pool at
Bethesda, but his reason for not receiving healing was that no one helped him
into the pool when the water was stirred. He had possibly waited a long time.
Jesus’ question is strangely
relevant. When an illness is endured for an extended period, it can be
difficult to let it go. Sickness brings attendant care, and sympathy. The sick
person may be indulged, and be the focus of much attention. The thought of
healing might raise the fear of no longer being “special”. The sickness is a
familiar state and, therefore, held onto – if not enjoyed even!
I think, then, of sin. You
might say sin is very much a way of life. We are born into sin; we live in a
world of sin; we are surrounded by sinners. Sin is often automatic, and quite
comfortable. Sin is even enjoyable. Sin can make me feel special.
So, how do I respond when Jesus
says, “Do you want to be made well? Do you want to be released from your
sin? Do you want to live in joy and eternal life with me?”
This gets me thinking about “the other side”.
Sin may be enjoyable – at times! But the enjoyment does not last. Remorse
quickly sets in, and this can be accompanied by guilt and shame. I know
instinctively that this is not Godly. Indeed, I see shame and guilt as two of
Satan’s principal weapons. No, ultimately sin is no fun!
But “the other side”!! Here I see freedom and
joy. I see a happy Lord, my true companion. He is with me, and enjoying me. His
face creases with a smile which bursts forth in joyous laughter. He is fun and
He wants to share the fun, the life, and His very Self, with me. How can I
refuse? How can I not say:
Yes, yes, precious Lord, I want to be made well. I want to be free of
everything that keeps me from the fullness of You. I receive You and Your work
of holy redemption. I choose to go Your way. Yes, I want to be made well!
I realise, Lord Jesus, that I cannot heal myself. I do not use this as an
excuse but, rather, this is the reality. You are my healer, and my deliverer. I
come to You and boldly ask for Your healing touch. I confess my sins, and seek
Your forgiveness. I look to that life of joy and energy and completeness in You.
Yes, Lord, with You I am complete. Gracious Lord, lead me into the pool, into
the water of life, of abundant life in You. You are my all. I come in total
surrender. Lead on, please, and journey with me. I choose to travel with You.
You are my healer and my life. I love You, and I thank You, as I pray in Your
powerful and precious name. Amen
My book “God Talk” is available through major
Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in
the You Tube clip
(Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").
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