Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Wedding clothes

“But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes.”                                                                                      Matt. 22.11

Jesus has been telling the fascinating parable of the wedding feast as illustrative of the Kingdom of God. The invited guests - presumably the Jewish people – declined the invitation and so it was extended to all those “in the street”. Many of these, whom I see as Gentiles and people of all races, accepted and came into the feast (the Kingdom).

But one man was not wearing “wedding clothes”. What exactly was Jesus getting at in introducing this detail? As I reflect on this development with particular regard to the Kingdom life, I am mindful of two specifics.

Firstly, in proclaiming the Kingdom, Jesus said from the start, “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is near.” Also, in calling His disciples, He said, “Come, follow me.”

Kingdom membership requires a certain approach to Kingdom life. If you like, we are required to wear the right clothes. We are called to repent, to turn from the ways of the world and follow God’s ways. In saying, “Follow me”, I understand Jesus to be inviting us to live as He did, in full obedience to the Father’s will.

We may not get this right all the time, yet we can give ourselves and ask Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, to help us. As I received Jesus in salvation, I joined with Him in partnership. I believe He is willing and ready to truly partner me and support me in the ongoing journey.

Lord Jesus,

I want to wear the brightest, cleanest wedding clothes. I repent and turn to God, seeking to follow His ways and to live in obedience to His will. I know I will not achieve this on my own. I ask for Your help. May I come closer to You? Would You draw me deeper and further into Yourself? As I join with You, may Your ways become my ways. May I see, more and more, as You see and may I respond as You would.

I’m seeking a new closeness to You. I desire an intimacy that is greater than anything I’ve known to this time.

Come, Lord God. Overwhelm me with Your love. Fill me to overflowing with Your presence; lead me on – to a life lived fully in You, and shared with all whom I meet.

I declare myself to be Yours. Take me and make me Your own, in Jesus’ name I ask.                                                                                                                                                    Amen.

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