Sunday, 27 March 2016

Be ready

“No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”                                                                                      Matt. 24.36, 44

This is perhaps the greatest mystery this side of heaven – no one other than the Father knows when the Son will return. As well as this clear statement, I see an implication in these words that no one is going to know the timing of the return. It is pointless to speculate or wonder, because we’re simply not going to be told.

What we are urged to do, however, is to be ready. The arrival is assured us as unexpected. Therefore, we must be ready at all times. And what does it mean to be ready? What Jesus’ ensuing words tell me is that I must be living in a Christ-like, God-fearing and God-pleasing way. Jesus follows His encouragement to be ready with a clear example of a servant left in charge of his master’s household. He flaunts his position, and mistreats those he has responsibility for. He generally misbehaves. This man is not ready!

How might I ready myself, and keep myself ready? I see a way – in fixing my eyes on Jesus and living, as best I can, as He would have me live.

Lord Jesus,

I want to be ready for when You return. Help me, please, to keep my eyes fixed on You, to learn from You and live as You would have me live. Be my mentor. Show me the way. May I know Your presence with me, and in me, as I follow the narrow path. I will wander in my own strength. And so, I look to You. I pray that daily we may journey together. Let me see the things that You see. Let me do only those things that You would have me do.

I don’t want to stray. I want to be ready, and able to greet You with the biggest welcome. I so want to be with You. Thank You, dear Lord, for all You do for me.

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