“ ‘Bring the fattened calf
and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead
and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.” Luke 15.23, 24
These verses essentially
capture the theme of this parable, and also the sovereign theme of Almighty
God. In these words are contained the mystery of heaven – the Father’s prime
mission is to find His lost children, to have them return to Him, and to enjoy
the most wonderful celebration, a lasting feast of love.
Worldly priorities feature
prominently in this story but the actions of the prodigal (wastefully or
recklessly extravagant) father show clearly where the focus needs to be. His
relationship with his son is paramount. Nothing is as important as this. And
all other matters and issues shrink into insignificance compared with the
wonder, the beauty and the joy of welcoming his son back into his family and
Such is the way of the parable,
but this is simply a reflection of the heavenly way.
My loving Father speaks to me
as I write. He reminds me of the unimaginable joy I am to Him. He revels in our
relationship. It is as if He’s saying:
“Peter, I really want you to know
the magnitude of the love that I have for you. The mightiest superlatives
cannot adequately describe it. It is higher than the heavens, deeper than the
depths of the ocean, and wider than the expanse of the universe. It is simply
massive, and its size maximises its potency. It is rich, oh so very rich. I love
you with an everlasting, ever-faithful, sweet and powerful love. I love you
like you wouldn’t believe.
Now for you! I want you to
receive this love. There is certainly far more than you can hold, or even
perceive. But it’s there for you, and it will NEVER be withdrawn.
Now, My Boy, live more fully in
that love. Open yourself wide to receive. Embrace Me with every part of your
being and bring My love to fulfilment in your life by enjoying Me, and allowing
Me to lead you in love and the most lavish affection. Discard any worldly
ambitions. Yes, I know, these most wonderfully don’t bother you. That pleases
Me. Release any desire of the flesh – of whatever kind – to Me. Allow Me to
take them, to lead you through, and to bring you fully into that place I have
for you.
This is just a small part of my
love for you. I have so much more. Return to Me in totality. Hear Me say, ‘This
is My Boy. He was lost and is found. Let’s celebrate.’ Hallelujah!”
O Great God, Wonderful Heavenly Father,
I feel as if I’m just beginning to sense the immensity of Your love for
me. And with it comes the realisation that I need to receive and respond. I
dishonour You when I do not allow Your love to fill me, to consume me, to
overflow me.
Forgive me, Lord. I simply haven’t had the recognition of this love.
Yes, I’ve known it’s there, but I’ve truly had no idea of its size and
intensity. I’m beginning to see Your love for me in massive proportions.
Help me, oh please help me to open myself to the absolute limit to
receive Your love.
I release myself, O Mighty One, and I express my wish to surrender all
things of the flesh, of whatsoever kind. I look for the treasures of heaven. I
seek these things in my daily living through this earthly life.
You are my Father. Gloriously I have known no other. Right now, I
rejoice in this. Perhaps for the very first time I can say how wonderful it is
that my earthly father abandoned me, for this has made it possible for me to
know You, truly, as my one-and-only Dad. Hallelujah! O wonder of wonders! O joy
in abundance!
I pray, Dear God, for growing awareness of the sweet and deep love You
have for me. May I find direction in it. May I be wonderfully equipped to share
I am so aware of my small knowledge and recognition of Your love. Lead
me deeper into it, please. Bless me with further revelation. Help me set aside
the things of this world, that I might embrace the wonders
of heaven. Thank You, Lord. Hallelujah!
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