“For the Son of Man in his
day will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one
end to the other.” Luke 17.24
The return of Jesus in glory
will be spectacular. His coming will be sudden, unexpected and public. He will
light up the sky like crazy flashes of lightning which are unpredictable and
uncontrollable. When Jesus returns He will be in full control.
The reference by Luke to
flashes and lighting up the sky leads me to the contrast with His human death
when the
sun stopped shining (Luke 23.45) and darkness came over the whole land
(v44). Darkness ensues when a light goes out. Jesus is the light of the world
(John 9.5). When human life was crushed out of Him the light went out.
But that light is to return –
more gloriously and brightly, more intensely and intently than ever. It will
not be ignored. It will herald in eternity. Humanity has been forewarned, but
will humanity take notice?
We are blessed that the light
has not been totally extinguished. We have the Holy Spirit who keeps the light
alive. Some choose to let that light shine brightly into their lives, while
others seem to ignore the only light that can truly bring them life.
Lord Jesus,
You are the light of the
world and I rejoice that Your light shines for me still through the agency of
the Holy Spirit. I ask You to keep me ever in that light. May it never darken
for me but, rather, let it grow brighter each day. Draw me closer. Shine love
brilliantly in me and through me.
I give myself to You with the simple request that You cleanse me and
refill me with You. May I be ready for the time of Your glorious return! I
offer to You all my faults and failings. I ask You to loose me from them. Set
me free, please. I want to be Yours, and Yours alone.
May we spend this day, and all of eternity, together? In Your precious
name I ask.
My book “God Talk” is available through major
Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in
the You Tube clip (Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").
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