Saturday, 10 October 2015


Jesus replied, "They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat."               Matt. 14.16

These words occur in the midst of a most interesting narrative. Jesus had heard of the killing of John the Baptist by Herod. He had withdrawn to a private place where, presumably, He could quietly react and respond to the disturbing news.

But the crowds, aware of His move, followed Him. His response was instant, and most amazing and wonderful: when Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick (v14). Wow! This man set aside His own sadness and grief to instantly minister to others in need.

The day unfolded. As evening fell, the disciples came to Jesus with a suggestion that He disperse the people so that they might get food for themselves at nearby villages. It is then that Jesus tells the disciples to give these people something to eat.

What does this mean? Is Jesus saying, even after a long (and maybe challenging) day of ministry, that He doesn't want the crowds to disperse? Is He, perhaps, challenging His disciples, saying to then, "I've ministered greatly this day, now it's your turn"

As I reflect on this, I imagine Jesus inviting me further into the partnership that He has drawn me into. It's as if He's saying, "It's been a long day. I came here to rest and reflect quietly. But this did not happen. Instead I have ministered, and I gladly did so. But now, perhaps it's your turn. How about helping me out here? My compassion cannot see me turn these people away hungry. How about you see what you can do to help them?" 

Again, I say "Wow!"

Lord Jesus, 

You are saying much to me at this time. You remind me that I live daily, in every moment, in inseparable partnership with You. I am yoked to You. We are a team.

You perform amazing miracles. You give of yourself unstintingly – time and again. And you say to me, "You give them something to eat." With these few words You most positively remind me that my place is with You. Together we can reach out to others. As a team we minister. This is the Father's will, that we honour Him in tandem.

Most gracious Jesus, I am awed by the privilege of partnership with You. After recent days I have been tempted to allow tiredness and despondency to settle upon me. I have needed this divine reminder. I give myself to Your refreshing. Let us go forward together, in that wonderful, enduring, inseparable partnership. Thank You.        Amen.

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