Friday, 16 October 2015

Knowing Him

,But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."
                                                                                                    Matt. 14.27

Jesus had experienced quite a busy day. It started with Him receiving news of the death of John the Baptist on the orders of Herod. He had sought to get away to a quiet place where He could work through His feelings of grief and loss. But this was not to be. The crowds followed Him. He ministered throughout the day, healing the sick. At eventide, He led the disciples in feeding the "five thousand". Then He sent the disciples to the far shore, while He went up on a mountainside to pray by Himself. Finally He is alone. At last He can rest and refresh in communion with His Heavenly Father.

Then, during the night, He crosses the lake to where His disciples are in the boat, which is now buffeted by waves caused by a high wind. Jesus is walking on the surface of the water. When the disciples see Him they are terrified. They think He is a ghost. They cry out in fear. Jesus does not hesitate, immediately He consoles them with the words "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

What a fascinating picture I see, and what interesting insight I get from reflecting on this narrative. Jesus had sent His disciples to cross the lake. Why, then, did they fear when the wind and waves rose up? Then again, when He appeared to them on the surface of the water, why did they cry out in terror? Why did they think He was a ghost? Didn't they know Him?

This last question brings to a head this reflection for me. It's all about knowing Jesus. And I mean knowing Him. Knowing about Him is not enough. We need to know the person, to know Him intimately, to trust Him implicitly, and to be assured that no real harm befalls us when He is with us. And He is always there. We have His word for this: "and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matt. 28.20b)

Lord Jesus,

It is perhaps too easy for me to be critical of the first disciples and their response of fear and alarm. Sadly I am reminded of the times when I react in panic, quite forgetting that You are there, that You will always be there to help, support and accompany me through all of this journey of life. Yes, through all of it. There is not one single event, experience or thought where You are not with me.

Forgive me, Lord, for those times when I forget Your presence with me. Forgive me and, if You will, give me constant reminders that You are there.

I yield to Your Being. I give myself anew and fully into Your keeping. I receive, value and enjoy Your companionship. I love You.

Let us journey on together, in Your precious name I ask.     Amen.

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