Thursday, 21 May 2015


Still, many in the crowd put their faith in him. They said, “When the Christ comes, will he do more miraculous signs that this man?”                     John 7.31

Miraculous signs are certainly evidence of God’s work in a human life. People are healed and circumstances changed in the most miraculous way. But one of the most powerful miracles that I believe Jesus can work in anyone’s life is that inner change from unbelief to belief.

As the heart surrenders to Jesus, other things change. Previously aggressive and uncooperative behaviour can calm and a more willing manner come forth. Sometimes, noticeable external change occurs in an individual.

Jesus says, “Follow me.” The receiving of Jesus in the heart is but the beginning of following. As we continue to seek after Him, we become more like Him. Worldly, antagonistic attitudes must go, and a more Christ-like demeanour comes into being. This is how it should be, and it must not be false or forced. If I am sincere about following Jesus then I can expect real change to come about in me such that I truly grow more like Him with each passing day.

What could be more miraculous than the Church, the Body of Christ, acting and living like its Head?

Holy Lord,

I pray for the miraculous. Indeed, I would delight to see signs and miracles unfold in my ministry for You. I wait on You for this.

Yet, surely miraculous would be to see the body of Christ truly follow its head and become more and more Christ-like. This is our mission. This is our destiny. I pray for a mighty revival in the church. Lord, wake us up to our inheritance. We are meant to draw closer to You, to become more like Jesus every day. I offer myself for this. Start with me, Lord. May I grow like Jesus. May I seek You in every moment. May I live to do Your will. I ask this in the loving and powerful name of Jesus.           Amen.

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