On hearing this, many of
his disciples said, “This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?” John 6.60
It seems that Jesus’ teaching
of Him being the bread of life and, in order to obtain this life, His followers
needed to eat His flesh and drink His blood, was too difficult for many to
receive and accept. And so they departed!
From this time many of His
disciples turned back and no longer followed Him (v66).
Maybe they took His teaching
literally. I have previously seen unpleasant connotation of cannibalism in this
preceding passage, but this is not what it is about. With the benefit of
knowing subsequent events, and with some deeper insight, we can see Jesus point to the crucifixion where His flesh and blood was given up in a supreme
sacrifice. As we, in faith, accept Him as God’s appointed sacrifice and as we
receive Him as Saviour and Lord, so we are, effectively, eating the flesh and
drinking the blood of the Son of Man. Thus, it is possible for me to receive
and accept this teaching.
But what of other teachings?
There may indeed be some teachings of Jesus that I find difficult to accept.
Are the words, recorded by John, of many of his disciples, to be taken as “If
the teaching is too hard, we are not to accept it?” Certainly not!
I see what I have already
described in respect to the flesh and blood teaching as a most helpful pointer
to other teachings that I might have difficulty with. I do not reject such
teachings but, rather, seek to find God’s true meaning and message for me.
Obviously, the best way to do this is to sit quietly with the passage and ask
God for further enlightenment. As I reflect on what I see written, I may be led
to deeper meaning, to another layer below the surface text. The context may be supplemented
or complimented by other parts of the Scriptures, or by God’s further personal
It is also possible, even if
further insight is given to me, that the teaching remains in some form of
tension for me.
Some of God’s teaching may well
be hard for me to accept, perhaps too difficult for me to understand. But this
gives me no licence to reject it, or Him. The man who brought his sick son to
Jesus said, “I do believe. Help me overcome my unbelief.” (Mark 9.24). Likewise, when faced with a difficult
teaching, I might say, “Lord, I do understand; help me overcome my lack of
Lord God,
I thank You, firstly, for the very many Scriptures and teachings that I
understand – or, at least, think I understand.
Any Scriptures that confuse I bring to You with a request for deeper
insight. I believe where You wish me to receive clearer understanding You will
bring this to pass. If things should remain in tension help me to receive this,
though if Your will is that I look further or search deeper, then I pray that I
will know this by an inner sense of unresolvedness. In everything, I submit to
You. Whether I understand or not, I want to trust You. You are my Saviour and
Lord. You are my everything. I ask for Your protection. May I never be tempted
to let go of You.
Teach me Your ways that I may ever walk with You. Give me a thirst to
know more of You. Take me deeper in You.
You have said You will never leave me nor forsake me. My deepest wish
is to remain with You in humblest obedience.
I give myself today in renewed commitment to You. I look forward to
Your teaching and the uncovering of greater truths in You.
Lead me further into Your ways. Guide me each step of the way. May I
truly follow Jesus in my continuing journey through life.
I ask this in the loving and precious name of my Lord Jesus. Amen.
My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip (Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").
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