Sunday, 12 April 2015

Wrestling with God

So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak....

But Jacob replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me."  Gen. 32. 24, 26b

This morning I had the most wonderful experience of attending morning service with communion at the  cathedral, der Berliner Dom.

The whole experience was glorious. Entering the sanctuary, I was stunned by the beauty of the interior (sorry, no pics) which was so brightly lit by chandeliers and candles. Then the organ erupted brilliantly in a Bach prelude, filling the vast interior with heavenly sound. Yes, it truly was a touch of heaven.

What followed did not lessen the effect. The service included three baptisms, a message and communion, interspersed with the most wonderful choral music.

The sermon was based around Jacob's wrestle with God (Gen, 32.23-32). I did not get the message as presented - my knowledge of German is far from good enough. Yet, as the Domprediger spoke, I was reminded of sights I have seen this week and the experiences that accompanied them. For instance, the insanity of Dachau and the workings of the Third Reich. Then, during the last few days in Berlin, the graphic displays and representations of the Communist era in the east and, again, the gross violations committed against decent folk.

Why do I mention these things in this present context? As I listened to the preacher speak of Jacob's wrestling with God, I felt that modern Gemany has been on a similar journey. What I have witnessed in both Dachau and the Berlin locations has been presented honestly without any attempt to excuse or cover up. I hear the German people clearly say, "This was wrong!"

What I have seen and experienced this week has shown me lessons we can all benefit from. I pray that I have learned and will grow personally. I pray also for nations and people groups for I fear there is much happening in the world today that is most ungodly in character.

There are times when  God may well have us wrestle with Him. At other times, I sense the action is simply for us to press into Him, and keep "pressing in". In a minor way, through the unexpected challenges of the past two weeks, I have found myself pressing in. This morning's time in the cathedral was the most wonderful response, gift and blessing from God.

O Great and Loving Father,

I thank You so much. For this morning's wonderful experience. I thank You for the joy of a cathedral filled with people worshipping You. I thank You for Your presence with us.    Amen.

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