Sunday, 19 April 2015


Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come and make our home with him."             John 13.23

We left Rudesheim (my apologies for lack of the umlaut - I simply can't get the machine to insert it!) at 8.30 am on Friday morning. I arrived at my front door at 10.00 pm on Saturday night - thirty-seven and one half hours later. Even allowing for the difference in time zones we were "travelling" for an actual time of over 29 hours. During this time we got very, very little sleep!

I don't know if distance and travel time have any bearing on it, but the thought of home after a visit to other parts has an undeniable appeal. The old saying, "There's no place like home!" bears truth, time and time again. Often when I come to the end of my visit in various places, I simply want to be home. Now I am, and it's so good.

For quite some time now I've lived with the realisation that my true home is in Him - my Lord and my God. I love Jesus and I truly attempt to live in compliance and obedience to His teachings. I love the Father and the Spirit. I hope I give them due respect yet, whilst I do, I can say that I am comfortable in their presence. Maybe this is the essence of the love that God has for me, and that He invites me to share with Him. Genuine love promotes a feeling of comfort and peace in each other's company, along with respect and gratitude.

I am blessed to know God's presence in my home. Indeed, He cohabits with me. He's here, and I know it. But He's not limited to one location. I have just travelled widely in Malaysia and through so much of Germany. And God has been with me every step of the way. This recent holiday has held more challenges than I can remember in any of my previous travel. At times I truly wondered what God was up to. Why was He allowing such trials and difficulties? I may never know the answer to that question. Yet I already know that, whatever the answer may be, it's not particularly relevant. For each time an event occurred that started me wondering, in  just the shortest space of time I knew that God was with me. Did I suffer? Yes, I think I did at times. But I knew I was not suffering alone. He was with me, and He got me through. I praise God.

So, whilst I'm now relocated in the locality and the dwelling I call home, I've never really left home. My true home is Him. Wherever I go, He is with me. I have His promise also that He'll be with me, always, to the very end of the age.

Almighty God, Loving Father, Precious Jesus, Holy Spirit,

I thank You that I know, through the sweetest experiences and beyond all doubt, that my true home is in You.

I thank You that there is nowhere I can go where You are not also there.

I thank You for the most wonderful holiday with Joshua, and the sure knowledge that You were with us each moment.

I thank You that You are here with me right now, that You will be with me tomorrow, and every other tomorrow.

Thank You,
I love You,


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