And when they had
mocked him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then
they led him out to crucify him. Mark 15.20
The soldiers
mocked Jesus. The soldiers were representatives of the civil authorities, the
ruling Roman overlords. The soldiers mocked Him, and then led Him to
crucifixion. The crowds turned nasty against Him exulting in His demise. Only a
small number remained loyal.
As I reflect on
these observations of the times when Christ lived and died on this earth, I am
flooded with comparison to present times. Society today is caught up in, and
most certainly captive to, political correctness. And Christ is being mocked and
crucified! We are told it is “inappropriate” to demonstrate overt Christian
faith as this could be offensive to the delicate sensitivities of others. Yet
scant regard is paid to the sensitivities of Christians. The name of our
precious Lord Jesus Christ has been reduced by so many to nothing more than a
blasphemous cry and, when challenged, these many perpetrators would likely
laugh it off.
Yet, as in those
earlier times, there are some who remain faithful. In many parts of the world
these faithful are being mercilessly persecuted, tortured and even killed. Some
likely recant their faith, but many serve in courageous witness.
My prayer for us
all is: God help us!
Lord God, Mighty and Loving One,
I cry out for the state of the world today. I pray for those who abuse
You and persecute Your people. Have mercy on them, Lord. Turn them around and
draw them to You.
I pray for those who valiantly maintain and seek to live out the faith.
Protect and empower these precious saints. Strengthen them, Lord, that they may
surely overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.
I ask You to move mightily in the world You love, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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