The disciples
left, went into the city and found things just as Jesus had told them. So they
prepared the Passover. Mark 14.16
The phrase that
captures my attention today could so easily be read and lost, for it presents
in such an innocuous and inconspicuous way. The disciples found things
just as Jesus had told them. We may so easily read these words and not even
think about them. Or, if we do give them passing thought, we might glibly say,
“Yes, of course, why shouldn’t this be so.”
Today, however,
my attention is drawn, not to skim over these words, but to realize the deep
truth in them. As Jesus told the disciples, so it was. The gospels repeatedly
record Jesus declaring, “I tell you the truth.” I have
publicly stated many times how these words thrill me, how I delight to read of
this man who is always telling the
But, today, I
sense God is wanting to take me deeper. Through the innocent phrase of found
things just as Jesus had told them, I feel God is strongly reinforcing to me
that I can – and must – believe what He tells me. And this applies to the
Triune God. Jesus himself declares, “I tell you the truth.” The
Father is truth – God is not a man that he should lie (Numbers
23.19). The Spirit is truth – The Spirit of truth (John 14.17).
God speaks to me clearly through His Word.
There are other times also when I feel He is speaking to me – by way of deep,
impressing thoughts, or through the words of others, by revelation in the
natural world, or through dreams and visions. I must confess there have been
times when I’ve thought, “Oh yes! So what?” “ Is this really God speaking to
me?” “Can I truly believe these words/signs/ impressions?” Today I feel
chastised. I feel that God is speaking afresh, clearly and persistently. I
sense He is saying something like:
“My Dear Boy. Let
me first remind you that I love you. And my love is like nothing you can really
imagine. You have no earthly measure with which to compare it. It is beyond
your limits of thinking. This is good because I can work in you and through
you, and bless you beyond your imagining.
However, because
my love is beyond your grasp, so is the truth of my revelations to you. I
understand this, but today I wish to bring some clarification to you. If I say
or indicate something to you – by whatever means – I want you to receive it and
believe it as my truth. The only uncertainty for you is whether or not the
revelation is from me. This question is simply fixed by you asking me. It does
not require elaborate wording, a simple ‘Is this of You, Lord?’ will bring my
clear affirmation or otherwise. Once you know that I have brought revelation to
you, you must believe. The many times you have spoken of your marvel and
admiration for Jesus always speaking the truth, you thought was clever insight
on your part. Not strictly true! This was my work of reminding you that my
truth, all of it, is to be received and believed by you. Stop the disbelief. If
I tell you I have much for you to do, I expect you to receive this, and offer
yourself. I do not look for you to say, ‘I’m ready.’ No, I will make you ready,
in My Way and in My Time. But I do look for you to say, ‘Lord, I’m willing.’
Remember Isaiah who said, ‘Here am I. Send me.’
Now, let us be
rid of disbelief, and the frustration that has sometimes arisen with past
“words”. I know how you were thinking. My promises to you seemed impossible,
out of reach, certainly out of sync with what you were experiencing at the
time. Yes, there were times when you thought I was taunting and teasing you.
Well, my child, let’s clear this up right now. I enjoy you, I might even have
fun with you from time to time, but I will not taunt nor tease you. You are too
precious to me and your mission is too important. In those difficult times I
was moulding and shaping you. This may well continue but the furnace treatment
does not go on for ever. There is a difference between when you think you’re
ready and when I consider you’re ready. Once again, I’ll remind you – gently
but firmly – that we’re working My way! So, come now, cast off past doubts and
embrace the truth that I always present. And you will find things ‘just as I
told you.’ ”
Lord God, Holy Father,
Loving Lord,
I am humbled before
You. I thank You for this precious and loving revelation.
Yes, there have been
times in the past when I believe I have heard from You, yet I doubted what You
seemed to be saying. I confess my doubt and frustration and even, sometimes, a
measure of anger. I confess and repent, and humbly seek Your forgiveness. Release
me, please, and lead me on into the fullness of what You might have for me.
I follow Isaiah, but
say in my own words, ”Lord, I make myself fully available to You. I ask You to
take me. Send me where You will, and use me as You will. I’m Yours.”
I pray that You would
give me even further revelation. I delight in Your Word. I revel in those
times, just like today, when You lead me into specific revelation. I ask for
more. Unashamedly, Dear Lord, I ask You to show me more, and I dare to believe
that You might give me insight into some of the mysteries of heaven.
My relationship with
You is of prime concern and importance to me. I long to go deeper with You. I
am aware, however, of my impure state. How can I receive from You when I am so
stained and soiled? The way is Jesus. He has clearly declared Himself to be
“the way, the truth and the life.”
Lord Jesus, I receive
You as my Saviour and embrace You as my Lord. I give my sad
and sorry state to You. I surrender to You and commit to the process of sanctification
which Your Holy Spirit will wrought in me. Daily I give You my dross, and seek
You refining.
I pray that when I
seem to hear God that it will truly be God at work. I ask that any false signal
or message will be exposed for what it is. I seek Your truth in all things. I
get so excited that You are the truth.
Holy Father, I rush
headlong into Your arms. I rejoice in my precious position as Your child. I
receive all that You may choose to share with me, and I pray that You will be
paramount in my life, and Your every purpose worked out in my daily living. I
ask these things in the glorious name of Jesus. Amen.
My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip (Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").
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