Thursday, 29 January 2015


And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out to crucify him.                                                       Mark 15.20

The soldiers mocked Jesus. The soldiers were representatives of the civil authorities, the ruling Roman overlords. The soldiers mocked Him, and then led Him to crucifixion. The crowds turned nasty against Him exulting in His demise. Only a small number remained loyal.

As I reflect on these observations of the times when Christ lived and died on this earth, I am flooded with comparison to present times. Society today is caught up in, and most certainly captive to, political correctness. And Christ is being mocked and crucified! We are told it is “inappropriate” to demonstrate overt Christian faith as this could be offensive to the delicate sensitivities of others. Yet scant regard is paid to the sensitivities of Christians. The name of our precious Lord Jesus Christ has been reduced by so many to nothing more than a blasphemous cry and, when challenged, these many perpetrators would likely laugh it off.

Yet, as in those earlier times, there are some who remain faithful. In many parts of the world these faithful are being mercilessly persecuted, tortured and even killed. Some likely recant their faith, but many serve in courageous witness.

My prayer for us all is: God help us!

Lord God, Mighty and Loving One,

I cry out for the state of the world today. I pray for those who abuse You and persecute Your people. Have mercy on them, Lord. Turn them around and draw them to You.

I pray for those who valiantly maintain and seek to live out the faith. Protect and empower these precious saints. Strengthen them, Lord, that they may surely overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.

I ask You to move mightily in the world You love, in Jesus’ name.                Amen.             

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

What crime?

“Why? What crime has he committed?” asked Pilate.
But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify him!”                                        Mark 15.14

Pilate questioned the people regarding the crime that Jesus had committed. But the people gave no substantial answer to his query. Instead they called all the more loudly for Jesus’ death.

This story is perhaps reflected through the ages by the actions of those who, for whatever reason, are opposed to Jesus. I wonder if they really know why they act bitterly and disparagingly towards Him. Is there true foundation for their resentment and rejection?

Often, if some reason is propounded, it turns out to be essentially baseless. And yet the shouts of disdain continue. And they are loud and acrimonious. Some people are horribly bitter in their negative attitude towards Christ, yet the emotion is not backed with factual evidence. The detractors persist, and the shouts of “Crucify him!” grow louder. But, praise God, he is not dependent on human affirmation for His amazing love to shine forth, and break into needy lives. He loves us while we are yet sinners.

God help all unbelievers.

Lord God,

History has shown that the angry crowds simply endorsed Your sovereignty. The crucifixion and subsequent resurrection places You beyond all doubt in my mind. I thank You for the peace that I know in this reality.

I pray for all doubters and dis-believers. I pray that the silence of Your gentle, pervasive and all-being love will drown the noise of the loudest objectors. Jesus stood silent before His accusers. He did not need to speak. Love does not need a script. Its power lies in its acts. And the acts of silence and submission, which led to persecution, death and ultimate victory, transcend any words.

Lord, hear the cries of the ungodly, and draw them to You, in Jesus’ precious name I ask.                                                                                                                                                          Amen.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip (Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

Saturday, 24 January 2015


“Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me three times.”            Mark 14.72b

Jesus had earlier predicted that Peter would deny Him, but Peter had vehemently denied it. Now it had come to pass, and Peter was disconsolate: he broke down and wept.

The thought that they might one day deny their Lord could haunt the faithful like a nightmare. I wonder how many of us would remonstrate strongly as Peter did. Yet, what if we were ever tested? It is only then that we would know how secure we are in our faith.

We know from the story that Peter recovered from his denial. John records the resurrected Christ exhorting Peter to “Feed my lambs”; “Take care of my sheep”; “Feed my sheep”.

Peter, in the power of the Holy Spirit, acquitted himself well. But I wonder if he ever got over his grief at denying Jesus!

Lord Jesus,

I love You and I want this love to last for ever. Right now I feel that I could never deny nor disown You. But how will I be if I am ever seriously tested in this? History has proved Simon Peter to be a mighty man of God, yet he denied You. I can only imagine the anguish and despair that Peter experienced through his public refusal of You. I pray that I may never fail to recognise You as the undisputed head of my life.

I love You, Lord, and I want that love to show forth in every part of my life, in my being and in my doing. I pray that my relationship with You will be obvious for all to see. I thank You for every opportunity I have to share about You. I pray that Your Holy Spirit will infuse every part of my sharing and truly bring alive in people the reality of the love and caring of our great and wonderful God.

I love You, Lord, and pray that this love will never cease. Let it flow to me and from me for all time. Touch many with Your love through me, in Your precious name I ask.    Amen.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Against Jesus

The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death, but they did not find any.                          Mark 14.55

Many seek to “put Jesus to death”, to discount His story and dismiss Him, but any evidence of substance against Him cannot be found. I have heard of individuals who took to the Bible with the sole and express purpose of discrediting what it says. Yet in the process these people have been dramatically “turned around”, and have found real and lasting faith.

I pray for all those who have not received Jesus as Saviour and as Lord, but I particularly pray for those who, for whatever reason or motive, seek to positively disprove Him. May they be touched by the truth, the love and the grace of God, and may they be released from all doubt and brought fully into the kingdom.

Lord God,

Since the time You walked this earth there has been opposition to You. It seems to me that, in this present age, the world is desperate for You yet is totally unaware that You are the answer that they are seeking.

I pray for the world. I cry out for people everywhere and ask for Your mercy. May we know afresh the power, conviction and love of Your Holy Spirit. In the vein of  Pentecost, I ask for a fresh outpouring. May love, repentance and reconciliation burst forth all over this globe.

I pray especially for those who appear to wage a particular vendetta against You. I ask that You would reach them in the midst of their pain, and bring healing and release.

I pray that Your people will rise up in all parts of the world. May love and joy outflow in the most desperate situations and may such situations be totally turned around in healing and wholeness.

The world needs Jesus. Hear my prayer on behalf of the world, and come. Come, Lord Jesus, come.                     Amen.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip (Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").