Saturday, 16 August 2014

Present Sufferings

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.               Rom. 8.18

At times, present sufferings could well appear to be unendurable and insurmountable. Yet there is release to come and, with it, entry into the most glorious life hereafter.

Present sufferings and the glory to come bear absolutely no resemblance to each other. As I reflect on what Paul says here, I am moved to suggest that I need to look beyond present suffering, to not be swayed by it nor made captive to it. If I experience suffering, then I cannot ignore it, but I need not allow it to consume me. Difficult as it might be, I can lift my vision and see what God has for me when I finally join with Him in glory. If this is my focus, any present difficulties will not distract me.

I have been blessed to see this “faith” in action. Several examples – all female – come readily to mind. The ladies in question all experienced the most trying and debilitating physical ails. Their bodies were wracked with pain and disease. Yet their demeanour was always joyful and their countenance cheerful. They were not given over to their afflictions. They saw Jesus, His presence with them in the immediate suffering, and His promise of a glorious state to come. All these ladies are now enjoying the fullness of His glory. Yet their anticipation of it in this life was so determined that they overcame the agonies of pain and suffering. What wonderful encouragement they give to me!

Almighty God,

If I am to experience further suffering in this life, my prayer is that I will look beyond it to the glory that is You. May my faith be strong to deal with pain, dismissing it in favour of the promise of glorious eternal life.

Lord, You are my strength. I look to You.       Amen.

My book "God Talk" is available from major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip (Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

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