Saturday, 23 August 2014


What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?
                  Rom. 8.31

Paul issues a challenge here. He makes the statement that God is for us. He questions – this being so, who could possibly be against us? And he challenges what we might say in response.

This morning I was reflecting on those sad instances when people are hurt in the church, the Body of Christ. It happens, and it can touch any of God’s children. As well as the lay members of God’s family, I have known ministers and pastors who have been hurt, even damaged, in the church. It causes sadness and grief to me.

I am reminded of an experience of some years ago when God spoke clearly to me on the issue of people being hurt, by others, in the church. God said:

“These are my children, and they are being hurt by others of my children.”

God showed me His heart in that moment. I sobbed at the revelation. He loves us all, and it grieves Him when we hurt each other.

As this recollection came back to me today, I saw clearly how hurt comes out of our humanity and not out of our relationship with Him. God is not into hurting us, and He doesn't want us to hurt each other. Certainly there may be times when He will bring reprimand and correction. There may be times when it appears that He’s being hurtful to us. I suggest, at such times, the “hurt” is likely to be to our pride! God will not damage us. Any reprimand or further action He brings upon us will ultimately grow us, building us into a more Christ-like person.

God is truly for us. And, with this, I know that nothing and nobody can really be against me. Nothing can really damage me.

My response, then, to Paul’s question is:

            Hallelujah! Praise God for His love and His faithfulness.
            I receive Him as “for me”, and I hold fast to Him against
            anything that would try to negatively affect me.

Almighty God,

You are indeed for me, and all that is You protects and strengthens me. How blessed I am. I embrace You in love and thanks. I ask that, like You, I might be “for” all of Your children.      

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip (Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

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