Friday, 27 June 2014

Higher Power

I mentioned in my last posting one brief encounter last Sunday that was most amazing for me. It was one of God's "Suddenlies" that people who know me well will be familiar with.

My destination that day was Ourense. Immediately before Ourense one passes through the smaller settlement of Seixalbo. It was lunch time as I approached Seixalbo. I entered the town through its ancient streets.

As I turned into the main square (Plaza Mayor) I was confronted by the most exquisite floral arrangement laid out in the ground.

I had barely time to admire and photograph the handiwork before I became aware of noise and activity in the distance. With music and singing, people started processing to the main square down the street from the hill above.

By now I had moved toward the procession. The voices sang in the sweetest harmony. I later discovered this was the Alfombras Florales Corpus which, as well as I can make out is a floral celebration and festival of Corpus Christi. By now I was alongside the procession. It seemed to me that the whole town was walking.

As the procession passed by me, I took off my hat. At that very moment a lady moving past me simply said - quietly and gently, "Gracias, señor."
Those two precious words got to me. I was totally undone. Instantly, immediately I was aware of a God connection. I started to weep. This was not mere crying, it was heartfelt weeping. But I know it came from joy and not sadness. I felt the most amazing and powerful sense of joy.

What had happened? What was I really experiencing? In the moment I felt incredible blessing. It seemed to me that God had arranged, since before time began, for me to be in that place at that time. Had I been a minute earlier it would have been too soon. A minute later and it would all have been over. No, the timing was impeccable. I was meant to join these precious people in their age-old celebration of their love for Christ. For this is what it was. Many might think this practice is out-dated, even inappropriate. I cannot now accept this because, that day, God turned up. He didn't think it inappropriate. He touched me, He blessed me. And I think He was enjoying Himself!

What I received from the woman's gentle words was a kind thank-you from a dear soul who recognised the action of another in showing reverence and respect to The Lord whom she loved. I have many times sensed in small Spanish villages the simple faith of believers. Outwardly, the people and their environments may appear poor to more affluent visitors, but I have seen the inner riches that cannot be matched by any amount of material wealth or prosperity.

The woman connected with me through the simple words of "Gracias, señor", and then she was gone.

In my tearful state I continued up the hill to the church from whence the procession had come. Wonderfully,  yet of course understandably, it was open. I went in.

I spent some precious moments in thanksgiving and the deepest communing with my Lord and God. The church bells had continued to ring throughout the whole of this time. As I left the church, something like a 21 gun salute rang out.

What a wonderful "Suddenly". Gracias Señor.

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