Saturday, 23 November 2013

Need, and plenty

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.                   Phil. 4.12

Paul seems to have experienced it all, and his writings appear to bear out what he says here.

I agree with him that being content is a secret. It is something that is not shared by everyone. It is known by only a few. He is also correct in saying it must be learned. I don’t think it comes freely, but is hard won as we work our way through the various experiences that come upon us.

Paul says I have learned. I cannot say this. I am still learning, and I can attest that it is not an easy lesson. How do I do it? I am tempted to say with great difficulty, and no small measure of angst! But these are no more than my reactions. The positives that I try to work on are essentially to trust God, to believe that He is with me – as His Word clearly says, and to seek to live, always, in His will.

This is not plain sailing for circumstances can, of course, present formidably. And the enemy is ever ready to play his silly tricks of deceit and questioning. But the primary support is in constant declaration of who I am in Him.

 I also have many witnesses to overcoming in Christ, of whom Paul is one. The writer to the Hebrews reminds us of this glorious and great cloud of witnesses as he exhorts us to fix our eyes on Jesus. This is the way to go.

Lord Jesus,

I can be content in You. You are all that I need. Let me fix my eyes on You in all that I am, all that I do, and all that I need.

Let me see You in others.

Draw me close, precious Saviour. You called me to follow You. I desire to do this with all my heart. May this happen today as I look to You, and the way in and through You. Lead me on. Let us travel the day together, in Your precious Name I ask.                                                Amen.

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