Monday, 11 November 2013

Like clay

Then the word of the LORD came to me: “O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?” declares the LORD. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.”                                    Jer. 18.5, 6

This passage is so easily made personal when I replace ‘house of Israel’ with my own name. As I do so, I can hear God speak to me. His words are not overly authoritative, as they might easily be. Rather, what I hear is an invitation. It is as if God is saying,

“Let me have my way with you, Place yourself willingly in my hands as the clay is before the potter. Relax, rest in me, and allow me to form and shape you to be the vessel that I want for you. I have this most wonderful shape for you. No, indeed, it is the perfect shape. What is more, and I really want you to take note of this, most of the forming and shaping has already taken place. Reflect upon your journey with me, and consider the many wonderful changes I have already wrought in you. Now, continue to give yourself, and of yourself. And be patient, the major process is almost complete. Trust me!”

Lord God,

I rejoice in Your words to me and Your presence with me. I thank You deeply for all the work You have already effected in me. It is indeed wonderful and powerful, I well know this.

I willingly surrender to Your further forming and shaping of me. I give myself afresh into Your hands. I desire to be only the vessel that You want me to be. Please don’t stop until You have made me just as You want me to be.

And whilst this is happening I ask You to draw me closer to You. Lead me, please, into such a life that I will be constantly resting in You and living in You. I hunger for You. I feel this craving deep inside me that will only be satisfied by a life lived fully in You. Take me, Lord, and make me Yours. I pray this in Jesus’ Name.                                                                   Amen.

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