Monday, 14 October 2013

For everyone

I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone...                                      1 Tim. 2.1

Paul’s first encouragement in prayer is that no one should be excluded. I see two clear aspects to this statement.

Firstly, our prayers can extend to embrace the whole of humanity. God created all things and all people. Our prayers must not be restricted to Christians – and maybe not just ‘good’ Christians at that. (And, yes, in the eyes of some there may be ‘not-so-good’ Christians!).

We may bring anyone to God in prayer –with request, intercession or thanksgiving. Leaders, governments, corporations, peoples of all races, status and beliefs can be included in our talk and request to God. Prayer can be global, extending to all places of human habitation.

The second aspect is perhaps more personal and concerns those people I have more direct dealings with. Some I may gladly pray for. Some may have hurt me. Some I may feel have wronged me in a grievous way. Some I just might find to be difficult to get on with. And there are others. God’s clear word to me through Paul is that I should not ignore any of these people. I sense he’s telling me to do the opposite, and focus on them. I am to make them the centre of my prayer, bring them before God, release them to Him and also release any pain, anger or sense of injustice that I might be feeling.

I should ask God to bless them. This may not be easy. I’m learning that the Christian way is not always a bed of roses, and the Christian life is not always easy. But I can do it, with God’s help.

Lord God,

I try to remember all those that are in need, when I come to You in prayer.  I know my prayer is not meant to be a list of wants and needs, yet Your love is all-embracing and I feel sure You receive every request willingly. Paul has told us to pray for everyone. He also encourages us that, when we don’t know what to pray, Your Holy Spirit will guide us, even pray for us. I know there are times when I need the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and so I ask for it.

Paul was wronged by many people, yet he was able to pray for all. Let me be likewise. I can’t do this on my own, I need You.

Lead me, please, in Jesus’ Name I ask.                                                                            Amen.

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